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Ealing FIDE Congress U2200 December 2022

Last update 30.01.2023 01:37:43, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1CMWillmoth Robert F402540ENG2150
2Buyandalai Tumen4901916MGL2041
3Brixel Christof Dr.16277040GER1944
4Rogers Tim L418137ENG1942
5White Jonathan P J422428ENG1920
6Thatte Nishchal447234ENG1905
7AIMWard Andrew2406020SCO1841
8Obi Okwose Marc450774ENG1802
9AIMSubramanian Anusha477710ENG1768
10Jakhria Kushal497444ENG1726
11Soulier Alfred486264ENG1627