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Zonal Sub18 Occidente Absoluto

Last update 19.04.2012 06:59:17, Creator: Heinz Herzog,Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1FMRuiz C Joshua DBOG2178Sicoopweb
2Blandon Villa Diego FANT2163Envigado
3FMPosada Juan ManuelANT2016
4Jaramillo Ochoa MateoCAL1963
5Valencia Cristian JohanQUI1936
6Arenas Ocampo Jhoan EANT1634Paul Keres
7Gutierrez Hernandez Jorge AlejanQUI1581Pensamiento del Futuro
8Gomez Nicolas De JesusANT1552
9Florez Castro EstivenQUI1377Pensamiento del Futuro
10Bermudez Hoyos Johan RodrigoQUI0Pensamiento del Futuro
11Fernandez Arias Julian AndresQUI0Pensamiento del Futuro
12Restrepo Garcia NicolasQUI1640Pensamiento del Futuro