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25th Iranian First League Tournaments 1401

Posledná aktualizácia 23.12.2022 13:41:24, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 97)

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Konečné poradie po 7 kolách

Por.č. DružstvoPartie +  =  -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
11Bashgah Rokh Hamedan761013210105
24Megamall Kermanshah74211018,5076
33Pooshoonak Zanjan74211018075
42Madreseh Shatranj Paeez7331918,5073
56Shahin Khorasan Razavi7322816046
68Omid Paeez7322815,5053
717Madreseh Shatranj Paeez Kanoun Nahie 2 A7403815,5034
85Nezam Mohandesi Khuzestan7241815056
99Pishkesvatan Ostan Khouzestan7403815042
1115Javanan Madreseh Shatranj Paeez 17232716035
1214Banovan Madreseh Shatranj Paeez7313712,5038
1311Nojavanan Madreseh Shatranj Paeez U147304615,5036
1410BarandeSho U147304613,5030
1513Madreseh Shatranj Shahrokh7304612022
1616Barghe Mantegheei Khuzestan7124410218
1718Foolad Khuzestan7205410014
1812Petroshimi Tondgoyan Mahshahr620448,5012
1921Nano Sanaat Khouzestan602438,5011
2019Dabestan & Pishdabestan Paeez610537,506

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break