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Assuria Nationale Rapid Kampioenschappen 2022 - Masterklasse

Last update 12.12.2022 19:43:15, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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Starting rank

1FMGiasi Viresh8200165SUR1984
2CMSanches Casanova8200211SUR1954
3Lautan Shatish8200190SUR1950
4WFMKaslan Catherine8201390SUR1856
5Ramdat Tewarie John8200491SUR1841
6Kromosoeto Immanuel8200750SUR1804
7Kalidjo Imaan8202478SUR1716
8Kalka Shiva8201749SUR1644
9Kartodikromo Virgil8202508SUR1584
10Ramsing Rajiv8202826SUR1501
11Bridjlal Krishan8202389SUR1498
12Yeung Jason8203970SUR1456
13Ford Alfred8200319SUR0
14Kalijan Ishwar8202540SUR0
15Kartodikromo Yannick8203865SUR0
16Wijnhard Ky-mani14326868SUR0