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19th Vasylyshyn Memorial-GM

Last update 21.12.2022 11:27:27, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

7GMVovk Yuri14113171UKR2553
2IMBakhmatsky Vladislav14124890UKR2468
9GMMalakhatko Vadim14104202BEL2448
4GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2427
10IMMosesov Danyil14149494UKR2423
3IMVypkhaniuk Ihor14112256UKR2409
8GMKislinsky Alexey14108801CZE2359
6Polulikh Bogdan14122790UKR2322
1FMProkofiev Valentyn14160161UKR2288
5Dankulinec Julia17014654HUN1702