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Tan beat Saduakassova 1.5 - 0.5 in a playoff

2022 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championship Rapid Women

Last update 28.12.2022 14:48:14, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for MAS

64WIMFoudzi Siti Zulaikha2126MAS½0100½01100481Women

Results of the last round for MAS

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
WIMFoudzi Siti ZulaikhaMAS21264 0 - 14 WIMTereladze SopioGEO2054

Player details for MAS

WIM Foudzi Siti Zulaikha 2126 MAS Rp:2002 Pts. 4
115IMAtalik Ekaterina2385TUR5,5w ½
213IMAssaubayeva Bibisara2396KAZ6,5s 0
390WCMKim Kristina1832KAZ4w 1
449WGMMuminova Nafisa2242UZB4,5s 0
547WGMBeydullayeva Govhar2256AZE5,5w 0
687WFMSamaganova Aleksandra1883KGZ2,5s ½
791Kaldarova Ayaulym1824KAZ5,5w 0
885WFMBalakanova Bakhyt1947KAZ3s 1
981CMNomindalai Tumurbaatar2042MGL4w 1
1041WIMYao Lan2283ENG5s 0
1179WIMTereladze Sopio2054GEO5w 0