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Preliminary results

2022 Wild Card Chess Championship U12G

Darrera actualització12.12.2022 11:36:33, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Marius van Zyl

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Rànquing inicial

1Naidoo Dhiya2110143800GJM01025wJohannesburg Metro
2Pillay Verana2120109367GTP0993wTshwane Chess
3Van der Schyff Charlize2120135385GE0977wEkurhuleni
4Monare Oratilwe2110136768NBR0802wDurban Chess Team
5Padayachy Vidya2120130097GTP0737wTshwane Chess
6Dikolomela Tlhogi2110141710NBR0697wBojanala Platina
7Kingsbury Gabriella2110141968GJM0686wJohannesburg Metro
8Papanicolaou Alexandra2120130724GJM0627wJohannesburg Metro
9Erwee Elizabeth2120134048GTP0548wTshwane Chess
10Kalpee Gia1090147103DCT00Durban Chess Team