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Preliminary results

2022 Wild Card Chess Championship U10G

Darrera actualització12.12.2022 11:32:16, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Marius van Zyl

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Rànquing inicial

1Naidoo Danika2140144151NBR01154wBojanala Platina
2Loots Mia214013385314350718GJM0723wJohannesburg Metro
3Papanicolaou Mila2130130731GJM0695wJohannesburg Metro
4Du Toit Mine2130137395GTP0672wTshwane Chess
5Prinsloo Veronique2140135150GTP0653wTshwane Chess
6Monare Oreratile2140136769NBR0609wBojanala Platina
7Shi Peiqi2140145625GJM0609wJohannesburg Metro
8Loubser Lara2130119628GTP0589wTshwane Chess
9Rossouw Lience1140141407GE0456Ekurhuleni
10Fourie Karla214013406214364476GTP0394wTshwane Chess
11Scholtz Mia-Mari0GE00wEkurhuleni
12Wolff Olivia Catherine2140147704DCT00Durban Chess Team