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Preliminary results

2022 Wild Card Chess Championship U08O

Last update 12.12.2022 11:43:26, Creator/Last Upload: Marius van Zyl

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Starting rank list

1Ellender Asher1150146150KIK0841iLembe
2Stelloh Sebastian1150145631GJM0784Johannesburg Metro
3Labuschagne Phillip1160145195NWP0782Dr Kenneth Kaunda
4Badat Mikaeel1160137420GJM0671Johannesburg Metro
5Wolvaardt Jonathan1150140638GTP0594Tshwane Chess
6Wiseman Luke1150141809EBC0583Buffalo City
7Varghese Steven1150142523DCT0574Durban Chess Team
8Pelser Aidan1160143816GJM0503Johannesburg Metro
9Stelloh Alexander1170147325GTP0471Tshwane Chess
10Krimm Logan1150136134KIK0467iLembe
11Kwint Jack1150143812GJM0450Johannesburg Metro
12Loots Albert1160134896GJM0318Johannesburg Metro
13Soobramoney Hezron1150147876DCT00Durban Chess Team