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Preliminary results

2022 Wild Card Chess Championship U08G

Darrera actualització12.12.2022 11:45:20, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Marius van Zyl

Llista del rànquing inicial

6Kgame Onalenna Itumeleng2150144066NBR0732Bojanala Platina
1Exarchos Isabella2150136753GJM0708wJohannesburg Metro
2Vermaak Alri2150137423GTP0624Tshwane Chess
3Steyn Mari-Louise2150134902GJM0522wJohannesburg Metro
4Strydom Mikayla216013555614353229GJM0380wJohannesburg Metro
5Gerber Zoe2160143809GJM0271wJohannesburg Metro
7Wolff Emily2160147701DCT00wDurban Chess Team
8Wong Kayla0GE00wEkurhuleni