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Festival Nacional Escolar Ajedrez CLASICO Femenino Sub-17

Last update 11.12.2022 16:49:30, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Santanilla Puentes Natalia144407394CAQ1555Club Marco Fidel Suarez
2Agudelo Zapata Yarli Alejandra4458222QUI1517Club Peon Dama San Francisco
3Medina Baquiro Paula Andrea4484568FEC1309Club Formando Talentos
4Rivera Burgos Aura Daniela144404379CAS1298Club Alfil Llanero
5Susunaga Duran Madelen Fernanda4488067FEC1286Club Formando Talentos
6Alvarado Quintero Laura Natalia4482514CUN1269Club Alfeizar
7Nunez Correcha Daniela4455975BOL1201Club Soy Talento
8Rodriguez Lara Laura Sofia4474392CUN1167Club Doble Jaque Fomeque
9Galindez Guerrero Tania Isabela4460839HUI1160Club Ajedrez Laboyano
10Raigoso Gonzalez Sharick Lorena4488458CUN1136Club Doble Jaque Fomeque