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Festival Nacional Escolar Ajedrez CLASICO Absoluto Sub-11

Darrera actualització11.12.2022 16:40:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Rodriguez William Nicolas4492609HUI1534Colombus American School
2Lucuara Alvarez Mateo144408161HUI1500Colombus American School
3Romero Barreto David Santiago144415460CUN1500Club Doble Jaque Fomeque
4Castro Lombana Juan Pablo144402147CUN1389Club Doble Jaque Fomeque
5Diaz Avila Jarett Alexander4481089VAL1361Buga
6Reyes Rodriguez Ian Stiff144404557CAS1346Club Alfil Llanero Yopal
7Velasquez Hernandez Martin144406304BOL1346Club Ladianis Perez
8Munoz Quiza Angel Damian144404506HUI1345Colombus American School
9Fraile Vargas Michael Steven144406258FEC1327Club Mentes Brillantes
10Caicedo Vallejo Jacobo4488113QUI1316Club Victor Korchnoi
11Betancour Andres Felipe144415001CUN1300Club Doble Jaque Fomeque
12Gomez Gaona Sergio Manuel144406860CAQ1300Club Uniamazonia
13Tapiero Lozano Harrison Geronimo144404565FEC1299Club Ajedrez de Ibagué
14Remicio Gomez Joshua Santiago4486480CAQ1270Club Pitagoras Chess
15Rueda Ahumada Gabriel Omar4496329FEC1264Club Quintal
16Galeano Reyes Juan Esteban4499093FEC1256Club Derrocando Al Rey
17Villada Londono Thomas144405510RIS1248Club Carnevale
18Garrido Salgado Jose Carlos144403984BOL1237Bolivar
19Ramirez Pineda Samuel Felipe4492773BOL1212Bolivar
20Lozano Pulgarin Josue Amador4492714VAL1207Buga
21Bermudez Rojas Alejandro144405413RIS1146Club Carnevale
22Agudelo Silva Juan Andres144404425HUI1133Colombus American School
23Beltran Juzga Sergio Alexander4492641CUN1124Club Alfeizar
24Barrera Andrade Emilio144418884HUI0Colombus American School
25Benavides Diaz Christopher144418892CAQ0Club Uniamazonia
26Pinzon Valencia Emiliano144418906HUI0Colombus American School
27Romero Murcia Miguel Angel144418914FEC0Club Ajedrez de Ibagué