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Festival Nacional Escolar Ajedrez CLASICO Femenino Sub-9

Last update 11.12.2022 16:39:36, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Sanchez Torres Juliana4497155CUN1448Torre Activa
2Alape Gonzalez Maria Camila144406118VAL1291Capablanca
3Trujillo Castaneda Maria Antonia144408153HUI1265Colombus American School
4Claro Sara Estefania144419236CAQ0Uniamazonia
5Cubides Ardila Queeny Sarith144419244SAN0Pequeños Genios Guavata
6Tapiero Lozano Liced Dayana144419252FEC0Ajedrez De Ibagué