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XVII Juegos Nacionales FEDELIV. I Clasificatorio a VI Juegos Paranacionales 2023 Masculino B1 Clasico

Last update 09.12.2022 18:23:56, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Jaimes Fredy Alexander04418514COL1847B1Santander
2Rico Hernandez Edgar04427823COL1732B1Santander
3Torres Saulo De Jesus04403622COL1728B1Risaralda
4Sanchez Carlos Andres04430298COL1598B1Risaralda
5Acevedo Fausto04455509COL1513B1Valle
6Jaramillo Carlos Mario04430247COL1500B1Antioquia
7Sierra Henry Alberto04460570COL1466B1Santander
8Ramirez Orlando04427793COL1402B1Santander
9Castillo Castellanos David04485289COL1381B1Santander
10Lopez Bedoya Wilson04485300COL1304B1Tolima
11Martinez Roa Alejandro04485327COL1617B1Tolima
12Martinez Garcia Oscar Mauricio3958001144418728COL1580B1Tolima
13Gonzalez Ospina Juan Guillermo04467019COL1487B1Antioquia
14Barajas Hernandez Nestor Giovany04499344COL1462B1Santander
15Perea Forero Julio Cesar0144418736COL0B1Boyaca
16Prieto Umba Jairo Ovidio0144418744COL0B1Boyaca
17Vasquez Giraldo Yobani0144418752COL0B1Antioquia