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Brunei Invitational Grandmaster Tournament 2012

Վերջին արդիացում17.04.2012 04:24:19, Creator/Last Upload: Ignatius Leong

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1GMBarbosa OliverPHI2585
7GMDzhumaev MaratUZB2494
9GMVakhidov TahirUZB2481
6GMBitoon RichardPHI2455
8Dollah ZaidiBRU2448
3GMNguyen Anh DungVIE2439
2IMYap Kim StevenPHI2405
4IMVakhidov JakhongirUZB2396
10FMYee Soon WeiBRU2200
5Hj, Sulaiman Hj Md BaharuddinBRU2162