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Copa Brasil de Xadrez para Deficientes Visuais 2022 Final Absoluto

Last update 05.12.2022 16:10:48, Creator/Last Upload: MetrĂ³pole Xadrez Clube

Starting rank list of players

6Silva Rodrigo Souza284782119196BRA18141926CADEVI / SP
5Lima Mauricio Vicente De85142109840BRA17871877URECE / RJ
3Ricieri Vinicius De Andrade428472176084BRA17811903CADEVI / SP
4Pontes Jaderson Lucio428232175894BRA17151914URECE / RJ
8Vilas Boas Crisolon Terto220872119315BRA15011724URECE / RJ
7Meirelles Olyntho Vitoria301822129116BRA14071703URECE / RJ
1Figueiredo Oneide De Souza5019222719377BRA12721653ACERGS / RS
2Almeida Paulo Sergio Rezende de74920BRA00AAV / PR