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Campeonato Paulista Individual Absoluto

Last update 11.12.2022 21:00:44, Creator/Last Upload: Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

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Starting rank list

1GMMekhitarian Krikor Sevag2107660BRA2551
2IMDi Berardino Diego Rafael2105446BRA2453
3Lopes Artur Farias2122502BRA2038
4De Arruda Leandro Formes22722009BRA1980
5Dos Reis Leandro Aparecido C2101017BRA1978
6WCMGazola Vanessa Ramos2112590BRA1949w
7De Lima Valdenicio Marcelino2132044BRA1936
8WIMChaves Joara2100622BRA1890wS50
9Leal Paulo Donizete2101947BRA1870
10Pironti Francisco Ferrari22782311BRA1836U20
11Cymbalista Eduardo Cymrot22756043BRA1736U20
12Reis Arnaldo Ulisses2154676BRA1731S50
13De Oliveira Klelton Benetao22777431BRA1712
14WFMBonfim Regina Rodrigues2105667BRA1684wS50
15Funayama S A Yuri22714286BRA1672U20
16Paiva Nicolas Pedraca44711816BRA1599U20
17De Camargo Yuri Adorno44711662BRA1557U20
18Tobal Vitor Jose Evangelista22784888BRA1425U20
19Salles Andre Lucas G A Whitaker22768718BRA0U20
20Vanin Eduardo FrancoBRA0U20
21Tavares Ian MachadoBRA0U20
22Mundim Jadson SoaresBRA0
23Silva Joao Vitor SallesBRA0U20
24Vanin Marcelo FrancoBRA0U20
25Pessoto Natalia Assuncao44715480BRA0w