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The CFSL Golden Jubilee International Rating Chess Championship - 2022

Last update 10.12.2022 06:47:24, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Starting rank

1Sivathanujan S9977104SRI1731
2Laksiri A A Kavishka Gimshan9982825SRI1473
3Gnanaseelan Jude Dorison9960520SRI1447
4Amarathunga Kosala Sandeepa Chamikara29970954SRI1394
5Kodithuwakku K A Chathura Basuru29969468SRI1238
6AFMMithun Pranav25996037IND1234
7Nawanjana R A Thaweesha29925304SRI1163
8Amarathunga Piyumi Uthpala29954630SRI1157
9Fernando Mayon Dinuth Mindula29974844SRI1143
10Bimansa D G Jayandi29946697SRI1123
11Fernando Diyon Senuth Randilu29974836SRI1114
12Liyanage D Sathini Disathna29974771SRI1100
13Wadduwage Thamindu Upeksha29950430SRI1057
14Nayanakheshan Venukanan29980305SRI0