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V Tancats del Maresme Grup C

Last update 10.06.2012 10:04:08, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 344)

Starting rank list of players

1Dellonder Domenech EsteveCAT1830BLA
3Molina Villen FranciscoCAT1786CAN
10Puig Vila EsteveCAT1754CLL
6Sanchez Saez SalvadorCAT1753CMA
8Berbel Gutierrez J.GuillermoCAT1717CMA
7Vera Domingo SalvadorCAT1707CLL
5Alabart Paytubi JosepCAT1706CMA
4Carre Rodriguez RafaelCAT1705PIN
9Sánchez Calzado SergioCAT1703CMA
2Martin Salguero DavidCAT1700CMA