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V Tancats del Maresme Grup B

Last update 10.06.2012 10:01:36, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 344)

Starting rank list of players

1Ruiz Planas AdelitoCAT2003PAF
8Gonzalez Moreno AntoniCAT1995CMA
4Alonso Gomez RaulCAT1978MAL
2Ten Gomez SergiCAT1958CLL
9Garcia Garcia CandidoCAT1929CAN
6Sanchez Nieto JoanCAT1886ARM
7Maynat Anglas JosepCAT1862CAN
10Gonzalez Saguillo OriolCAT1842CMA
5Campos Barrachina EdgarCAT1816CAN
3Claus Armengol DavidCAT1804CMA