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V Tancats del Maresme Grup A

Last update 16.06.2012 11:51:16, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 344)

Starting rank list of players

10Aguilar Sevilla DiegoCAT2213CMA
4Canellas Magide LluisCAT2201TRN
8Ayllon Rodriguez Joan PedroCAT2197TOR
2Mas Recorda PereCAT2194SEG
6Gurri Mancora FerranCAT2172CAN
9Ruiz Molina GabrielCAT2129CAN
1Fernandez Martinez OriolCAT2109VLS
7Franch Guiral RamonCAT2106CAN
5Maynat Diaz Jose AntonioCAT2059CAN
3Gimenez Aguirre Alejo IsmaelCAT2038GER