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Last update 09.12.2022 04:43:56, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2021)

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Starting rank

1FMDe Mey Juan Pablo15900312ARU2015
2CMPesqueira Jose15900037ARU1801
3CMCroes Octavio1007220ARU1783
4AFMStetsenko Ilya15900762ARU1783
5Antonio Kyell-Jean15900746ARU1495
6Alvarez Gomez Greikel JosueARU0
7Loyo Morillo Haycarin Graciela15901432ARU0
8Tromp John Alexander15901017ARU0
9Leal Alvarez Jose Alberto15901386ARU0
10Cielo LesleyARU0
11Essed Mizpa Ricardo15901416ARU0
12Camacaro Rodriguez Pablo Josue15901297ARU0
13Villalba Martinez Paul Andres15901335ARU0