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2015 Women Blitz National Championship

Senast uppdaterad27.11.2022 13:00:19, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

Lista över spelare

3Haile Lidet Abate15702073ETH1600
2Eshete Ruth Leykun15700194ETH1464
12Mohammed Aleka Fujaga15707628ETH1343
7Mekonen Selemawit Kidanemaryam15704467ETH1167
4Ayele Hana Mulugeta15707687ETH0
10Berhe Aleshign Biyadglign15707750ETH0
11Birhane Diana LuelETH0
9Kebede Mihret FikreETH0
8Mekonnen Selemawit Sileshi15707725ETH0
6Mohammed Rufeyda Abdellah15710068ETH0
5Teshome Wubrist Bekele15702448ETH0
1Weldegebriel Israel Tekeste15700313ETH0