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Monte-Carlo ESNA Blitz

Posledná aktualizácia 24.12.2022 14:09:18, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu

6GMVan Foreest Jorden1039784NED2649
2FMHasenohr Benedict1303309SUI2262
9WFMHenderson De La Fuente Andrea32096577AND1909
1Nevska Gerda10700366GCI1827
8Rapaire Jean-Michel5400023MNC1715
7Savic Natasa938866SRB1673
3WIMLebel-Arias Julia602019MNC1666
10Sele Timea1343424LIE1334
5Dornbusch Philippe647640MNC0
4Hill Jonathan10700390GCI0