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Zonal Sub-10 Absoluto Zona Occidente Medellín 2012

Last update 08.04.2012 18:55:37, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Yepez Ortiz DubierANT1795Los Titanes
2Soto Miguel AngelANT1627Paul Keres
3Restrepo Borrero MateoVAL1605Club Fischer 64
4Ospina SantiagoANT1570Los Titanes
5Ferreira Morales Mayra AlejandANT1463Los Titanes
6Franco Juan ManuelRIS1411
7Jurado Yirlei KatherineANT1409Titanes Club
8Arbelaez Velasquez JeronimoANT1390Los Titanes
9Jimenez JosephANT1365Paul Keres
10Garces Jaramillo DavidANT1355Paul Keres
11Gomez Laura SofiaANT1329Los Titanes
12Ruiz Vinasco Juan FranciscoBOL1324
13Arboleda Orozco Juan MANT1304
14Moreno Bolanos NicolasRIS1281
15Bohorquez Mahecha Juan PabloRIS1278