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Oost-Vlaams Schoolschaakkampioenschap Middelbaar Onderwijs 2023

Last update 19.11.2022 19:35:31, Creator/Last Upload: mverkimpe

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Sint-Franciscusinstituut Brakel770014210
23Sint-Barbaracollege Gent 1751111220
35Campus Impuls Oostakker 175021019,50
41Don Boscocollege Zwijnaarde742110160
54Sint-Lievenscollege Gent 174129190
66GO! Atheneum Voskenslaan Gent 174038190
78GO! Atheneum Erasmus De Pinte 17322815,50
87Sint-Lievenscollege Gent 27403815,50
910Sint-Jozefscollege Aalst73228140
1011OLVP Sint-Niklaas74038120
1120GO! Lyceum Gent - Campus Portus73137170
1222Sint-Barbaracollege Gent 273137150
1312College O.-L.-V.-ten-Doorn Eeklo 17232714,50
149GO! Atheneum Lokeren73137120
1513Broederschool Humaniora Sint-Niklaas7304616,50
1614Campus Impuls Oostakker 273046120
1724Sint-Vincentiuscollege Buggenhout72236120
1823Sint-Barbaracollege Gent 37214512,50
1918GO! Atheneum Voskenslaan Gent 272145100
2021GO! Middenschool Voskenslaan Gent71335100
2116College O.-L.-V.-ten-Doorn Eeklo 2721457,50
2219GO! Atheneum Voskenslaan Gent 371244100
2315Campus Impuls Oostakker 37106270
2417GO! Atheneum Erasmus De Pinte 2702526,50

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints