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Srefidensi Online Blitz International 2022 - Master class

Last update 20.11.2022 18:52:10, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

Starting rank list of players

1GMAguero Jimenez Luis Lazaro3508455CUB2465poseidon5191
2IMHusbands Orlando11101644BAR2311orlandohusbands
3FMChristie Joshua7402074JAM2294realjoshua
4FMCupid Kevin7700512TTO2146twitchTriniCupid
5FMGiasi Viresh8200165SUR1999Viresh06
6FMDrayton Anthony19700261GUY1961anthonydrayton
7WFMKaslan Catherine8201390SUR1882Giacinta_k
8Panchoe Pratul8201668SUR1837Pratul12