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Ealing FIDE Congress

Last update 20.11.2022 16:29:34, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1CMLalic Peter D416711ENG2197
2Midhun P U5074940IND2166
3Onslow Alfie436976ENG2115
4Buyandalai Tumen4901916MGL2041
5AIMKaras Eugenia463485ENG2004
6Purdon Colin408581ENG1994
7Brison Lucas26034476FRA1984
8Iyengar Ilya405949ENG1979
9Brixel Christof Dr.16277040GER1944
10AIMSubramanian Anusha477710ENG1768
11Chan Michelle (Ngo Yu)66202299ENG1557
12Gonzales Ceferino5219590PHI1445
13Blinov Roman343104478ENG0