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Budapest, Hotel NOVOTEL, Budapest, Rákóczi út 43-45, Zsolnay termek

Kallai Gabor Memorial 2022 Blitz

Last update 02.12.2022 12:45:28, Creator/Last Upload: 700290miklosorsoIA

Player Overview of a federation

Overview for team HUN

2GMRuck RobertHUN246601½½½½01½4,55Rapid
3GMBerkes FerencHUN2623½½0½½½1115,54Rapid
4IMBorhy MarcellHUN230010½0½½½½03,58Rapid
5GMHorvath CsabaHUN2509½0½00½0½½2,59Rapid
7WIMGaal ZsokaHUN2198010000000110Rapid
9GMKozak AdamHUN25391½½1111½½72Rapid
2GMRuck RobertHUN2566010½½½½1155Blitz
3GMBerkes FerencHUN2676½½0½½½1115,53Blitz
4IMBorhy MarcellHUN23461½00½½01½47Blitz
5GMHorvath CsabaHUN2554011½0½00½3,58Blitz
7WIMGaal ZsokaHUN21980011½00002,59Blitz
9GMKozak AdamHUN24601½1½01½½056Blitz

Player details

GM Ruck Robert 2466 HUN Rp:2495 Pts. 4,5
19GMKozak Adam2539HUN7w 0Rapid
21GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7s 1Rapid
310GMMotylev Alexander2656FID6w ½Rapid
43GMBerkes Ferenc2623HUN5,5w ½Rapid
54IMBorhy Marcell2300HUN3,5s ½Rapid
65GMHorvath Csaba2509HUN2,5w ½Rapid
76GMTroff Kayden2483USA4s 0Rapid
87WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN1w 1Rapid
98GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4s ½Rapid
GM Berkes Ferenc 2623 HUN Rp:2557 Pts. 5,5
18GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4w ½Rapid
29GMKozak Adam2539HUN7s ½Rapid
31GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7w 0Rapid
42GMRuck Robert2466HUN4,5s ½Rapid
510GMMotylev Alexander2656FID6w ½Rapid
64IMBorhy Marcell2300HUN3,5w ½Rapid
75GMHorvath Csaba2509HUN2,5s 1Rapid
86GMTroff Kayden2483USA4w 1Rapid
97WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN1s 1Rapid
IM Borhy Marcell 2300 HUN Rp:2433 Pts. 3,5
17WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN1w 1Rapid
28GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4s 0Rapid
39GMKozak Adam2539HUN7w ½Rapid
41GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7s 0Rapid
52GMRuck Robert2466HUN4,5w ½Rapid
63GMBerkes Ferenc2623HUN5,5s ½Rapid
710GMMotylev Alexander2656FID6w ½Rapid
85GMHorvath Csaba2509HUN2,5w ½Rapid
96GMTroff Kayden2483USA4s 0Rapid
GM Horvath Csaba 2509 HUN Rp:2324 Pts. 2,5
16GMTroff Kayden2483USA4w ½Rapid
27WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN1s 0Rapid
38GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4w ½Rapid
49GMKozak Adam2539HUN7s 0Rapid
51GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7w 0Rapid
62GMRuck Robert2466HUN4,5s ½Rapid
73GMBerkes Ferenc2623HUN5,5w 0Rapid
84IMBorhy Marcell2300HUN3,5s ½Rapid
910GMMotylev Alexander2656FID6w ½Rapid
WIM Gaal Zsoka 2198 HUN Rp:2173 Pts. 1
14IMBorhy Marcell2300HUN3,5s 0Rapid
25GMHorvath Csaba2509HUN2,5w 1Rapid
36GMTroff Kayden2483USA4s 0Rapid
410GMMotylev Alexander2656FID6s 0Rapid
58GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4w 0Rapid
69GMKozak Adam2539HUN7s 0Rapid
71GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7w 0Rapid
82GMRuck Robert2466HUN4,5s 0Rapid
93GMBerkes Ferenc2623HUN5,5w 0Rapid
GM Kozak Adam 2539 HUN Rp:2706 Pts. 7
12GMRuck Robert2466HUN4,5s 1Rapid
23GMBerkes Ferenc2623HUN5,5w ½Rapid
34IMBorhy Marcell2300HUN3,5s ½Rapid
45GMHorvath Csaba2509HUN2,5w 1Rapid
56GMTroff Kayden2483USA4s 1Rapid
67WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN1w 1Rapid
78GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4s 1Rapid
810GMMotylev Alexander2656FID6s ½Rapid
91GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7w ½Rapid
GM Ruck Robert 2566 HUN Rp:2522 Pts. 5
19GMKozak Adam2460HUN5s 0Blitz
21GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6w 1Blitz
310GMMotylev Alexander2532FID5s 0Blitz
43GMBerkes Ferenc2676HUN5,5s ½Blitz
54IMBorhy Marcell2346HUN4w ½Blitz
65GMHorvath Csaba2554HUN3,5s ½Blitz
76GMTroff Kayden2534USA6w ½Blitz
87WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN2,5s 1Blitz
98GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5w 1Blitz
GM Berkes Ferenc 2676 HUN Rp:2547 Pts. 5,5
18GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5s ½Blitz
29GMKozak Adam2460HUN5w ½Blitz
31GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6s 0Blitz
42GMRuck Robert2566HUN5w ½Blitz
510GMMotylev Alexander2532FID5s ½Blitz
64IMBorhy Marcell2346HUN4s ½Blitz
75GMHorvath Csaba2554HUN3,5w 1Blitz
86GMTroff Kayden2534USA6s 1Blitz
97WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN2,5w 1Blitz
IM Borhy Marcell 2346 HUN Rp:2460 Pts. 4
17WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN2,5s 1Blitz
28GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5w ½Blitz
39GMKozak Adam2460HUN5s 0Blitz
41GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6w 0Blitz
52GMRuck Robert2566HUN5s ½Blitz
63GMBerkes Ferenc2676HUN5,5w ½Blitz
710GMMotylev Alexander2532FID5s 0Blitz
85GMHorvath Csaba2554HUN3,5s 1Blitz
96GMTroff Kayden2534USA6w ½Blitz
GM Horvath Csaba 2554 HUN Rp:2400 Pts. 3,5
16GMTroff Kayden2534USA6s 0Blitz
27WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN2,5w 1Blitz
38GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5s 1Blitz
49GMKozak Adam2460HUN5w ½Blitz
51GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6s 0Blitz
62GMRuck Robert2566HUN5w ½Blitz
73GMBerkes Ferenc2676HUN5,5s 0Blitz
84IMBorhy Marcell2346HUN4w 0Blitz
910GMMotylev Alexander2532FID5s ½Blitz
WIM Gaal Zsoka 2198 HUN Rp:2354 Pts. 2,5
14IMBorhy Marcell2346HUN4w 0Blitz
25GMHorvath Csaba2554HUN3,5s 0Blitz
36GMTroff Kayden2534USA6w 1Blitz
410GMMotylev Alexander2532FID5w 1Blitz
58GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5s ½Blitz
69GMKozak Adam2460HUN5w 0Blitz
71GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6s 0Blitz
82GMRuck Robert2566HUN5w 0Blitz
93GMBerkes Ferenc2676HUN5,5s 0Blitz
GM Kozak Adam 2460 HUN Rp:2534 Pts. 5
12GMRuck Robert2566HUN5w 1Blitz
23GMBerkes Ferenc2676HUN5,5s ½Blitz
34IMBorhy Marcell2346HUN4w 1Blitz
45GMHorvath Csaba2554HUN3,5s ½Blitz
56GMTroff Kayden2534USA6w 0Blitz
67WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN2,5s 1Blitz
78GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5w ½Blitz
810GMMotylev Alexander2532FID5w ½Blitz
91GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6s 0Blitz