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Manurewa Chess Junior Blitz Tournament Nov-22

Last update 19.11.2022 01:00:36, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Lab

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Starting rank

1Anuragh LNZL0
2Ashleen RNZL0
3Daniel MNZL0
4Eugene ZNZL0
5Gilbert LNZL0
6Jared CNZL0
7Kaidan LNZL0
8Laksh NNZL0
9Luca SNZL0
10Nandagopal ANZL0
11Robbie WNZL0
12Tane WNZL0
13Toby GNZL0
14Tony GNZL0
15Tu WNZL0
16Vici SNZL0
17William SNZL0