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The participation is open for players Rating Scale 2000+ (FIDE Classical or Rapid Rating of 01.12.2022)
Sharjah Cultural & Chess Club Total Prizes 10,000 AED

51st National Day 2022 Chess Festival Celebration Group A

Last update 04.12.2022 16:16:11, Creator/Last Upload: Sharjah Chess Club

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Starting rank list

1GMSalem A.R. Saleh9301348UAE2644
2GMAmonatov Farrukh14700077TJK2606
3GMArencibia Rodriguez Walter3500012CUB2543
4GMMiladinovic Igor4203380SRB2541
5GMIordachescu Viorel13900200MDA2527
6GMGrivas Efstratios4200039GRE2380
7GMMosadeghpour Masoud12519278IRI2370
8GMErdogdu Mert6301495TUR2358
9GMZubarev Alexander14104385UKR2287
10IMKanter Eduard4103963RUS2275
11IMFarahat Ali10600507USA2272
12Arellano Bryle5235006PHI2202
13CMDr. Murtaza Ali7801750PAK2154
14FMOthman A. Moussa9300155UAE2151
15IMSultan Ibrahim9301143UAE2003
16AGMFernandez Dandel5200695PHI2002
17FMAhmed Fareed9303677UAE1955
18Abuazizah Raji11503327PLE1847
19Zayed Sultan Al Taher9310592UAE1734
20Abdulrahim Salem9308946UAE1660