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International Graz Open 2023 A

Last update 07.03.2023 21:11:44, Creator: Manfred Mussnig,Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband (Eloreferent)

Player overview for USA

28IMBattey Alexander2344USA11½½½½½1½6152403107,80Grp A
136CMHarish Neeraj1981USA½0½½111004,578224840106,40Grp A

Results of the last round for USA

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
FMTisaj Domen2396 ½ - ½ IMBattey Alexander2344
CMHarish NeerajU141981 0 not paired  

Player details for USA

IM Battey Alexander 2344 USA Rp:2403 Pts. 6
1111Wendl Philipp2055AUT3,5s 1101,60
289Zdybel Przemyslaw2133POL5,5w 1102,30
36GMPötsch Hagen2489GER7s ½101,90
48IMJanzelj Tim2469SLO6,5w ½101,70
510GMSocko Monika2450POL6s ½101,40
655Kleibel Uwe2219GER5w ½10-1,70
793Rozycki Bartlomiej2114POL5,5s ½10-2,90
873Tancsa Tamás2181HUN4,5w 1102,80
919FMTisaj Domen2396SLO6s ½100,70
CM Harish Neeraj 1981 USA Rp:2248 Pts. 4,5
149FMKueppers Timo2252GER5,5w ½4013,20
257Kölber Daniel2214AUT5s 040-8,40
390FMWegerer Fred Ing.2128AUT4,5w ½408,00
494WFMStarosta Martyna2113POL5,5s ½407,20
596Kostelny Jozef2103SVK4,5w 14026,80
681FMZvarik Martin2161SVK3,5s 14029,60
753FMBabic Drasko2220BIH3,5w 14032,00
811GMPetursson Margeir2448ISL6s 040-3,20
9-not paired- --- 0