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International Graz Open 2023 A

Last update 07.03.2023 21:11:44, Creator: Manfred Mussnig,Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband (Eloreferent)

Player overview for ITA

3GMMoroni Luca Jr2576ITA11111½0106,552571102,20Grp A
4GMLodici Lorenzo2511ITA0110½00002,5150214110-19,40Grp A
16IMBarp Alberto2429ITA11½1½½1½06142438102,00Grp A
25FMCarnicelli Valerio2351ITA110½011116,5923922012,20Grp A
46WIMGueci Tea2265ITA1½101½0004104208020-37,60Grp A
79Perossa Nicolas2163ITA1½01010014,589208840-22,00Grp A
85Caruso Augusto2140ITA010½1½½1½5622173208,80Grp A
112Cassi Elisa2054ITA0110½10½0410021284037,60Grp A
119La Barbera Manfredi2035ITA0100½00001,5166178540-69,20Grp A
147Vincenti Leonardo1889ITA1½00½00½13,512719724027,20Grp A
162Fiolo Costanza1753ITA0½00000000,5170162520-12,80Grp A
56Petrosino Germano1655ITA00½1½01½14,545152320-22,00Grp B
81Bilyk Nikolay1405ITA½00½0½1114,54616404082,40Grp B
8Kofler Albin1452ITA101101½015,510151120-6,40Grp C
13Mazzi Leonardo1814ITA10101313171840-19,60Weekend

Results of the last round for ITA

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
GMPötsch Hagen24896 1 - 0 GMMoroni Luca Jr2576
IMBarp Alberto24296 0 - 16 GMBlohberger Felix2488
FMCarnicelli Valerio2351 1 - 0 IMPoormosavi Seyed KianU182442
FMSandhöfner Florian2305 ½ - ½ Caruso Augusto2140
Kuru AtillaU1420274 1 - 04 WIMGueci Tea2265
FMBubalovic Davorin21964 1 - 04 Cassi ElisaU182054
Perossa NicolasU142163 1 - 0 Tumur-Ochir DuluuU182038
Alsemail Mohammed Fahad M1714 0 - 1 Vincenti LeonardoU141889
GMLodici Lorenzo2511 0 not paired  
La Barbera ManfrediU142035 0 not paired  
Fiolo Costanza1753½ 0 not paired  
Petrosino Germano1655 1 - 0 Zdybel Tomasz1427
Walch Fabian1645 - - + Bilyk NikolayU181405
Stögerer JonathanU14971 0 - 1 Kofler AlbinS651455
Redl Heribert16002 0 - 12 Mazzi LeonardoU141814

Player details for ITA

GM Moroni Luca Jr 2576 ITA Rp:2571 Pts. 6,5
187FMLorscheid Gerhard2134GER3,5s 1100,80
250FMBalint Peter2245AUT4w 1101,20
325FMCarnicelli Valerio2351ITA6,5s 1102,20
423FMPasti Aron2370HUN5,5w 1102,40
524IMKowalski Igor2357POL6s 1102,20
61GMSocko Bartosz2624POL6w ½100,70
72GMGupta Abhijeet2606IND8s 010-4,60
88IMJanzelj Tim2469SLO6,5w 1103,50
96GMPötsch Hagen2489GER7s 010-6,20
GM Lodici Lorenzo 2511 ITA Rp:2141 Pts. 2,5
188Chubakov Sultan2134KGZ5w 010-9,10
2120Tomic Stjepan2029CRO2s 1100,80
385Caruso Augusto2140ITA5w 1101,00
447FMLavrencic Matic2260SLO5,5w 010-8,10
584Ilijic Mihajilo2142AUT4,5s ½10-4,00
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
IM Barp Alberto 2429 ITA Rp:2438 Pts. 6
199Rohler Siegfried2101GER3s 1101,30
266FMMaurer Jochen2194GER4,5w 1102,10
343FMKurmangaliyeva Liya2267KAZ4,5s ½10-2,10
446WIMGueci Tea2265ITA4w 1102,80
547FMLavrencic Matic2260SLO5,5s ½10-2,20
624IMKowalski Igor2357POL6w ½10-1,00
719FMTisaj Domen2396SLO6s 1104,50
86GMPötsch Hagen2489GER7w ½100,80
97GMBlohberger Felix2488AUT7w 010-4,20
FM Carnicelli Valerio 2351 ITA Rp:2392 Pts. 6,5
1108Krause Thomas2063GER4,5w 1203,20
277Uphoff Lennart2170GER5s 1205,20
33GMMoroni Luca Jr2576ITA6,5w 020-4,40
473Tancsa Tamás2181HUN4,5s ½20-4,40
571FMFishchuk Vladyslav2183UKR4,5w 020-14,40
6133Niharika Challa1993IND4,5w 1202,00
764Dubnevych Maksym2196UKR4,5s 1205,80
851Kacprzak Kacper2232POL5,5s 1206,80
914IMPoormosavi Seyed Kian2442IRI5,5w 12012,40
WIM Gueci Tea 2265 ITA Rp:2080 Pts. 4
1132Mashchenko Tamila1995UKR3,5w 1203,40
2147Vincenti Leonardo1889ITA3,5s ½20-8,20
3127Loukopoulos Panagiotis-Athanasi2005GRE5w 1203,60
416IMBarp Alberto2429ITA6s 020-5,60
5102Kocak Ediz2096GER3,5- 1K
612IMRosner Jonas2447GER6w ½204,80
717IMGschnitzer Adrian2428GER6s 020-5,60
894WFMStarosta Martyna2113POL5,5w 020-14,00
9121Kuru Atilla2027TUR5s 020-16,00
Perossa Nicolas 2163 ITA Rp:2088 Pts. 4,5
1167Al Mutlaq Ibrahim A1655KSA1s 1403,20
227FMAshwath R.2348IND5,5w ½409,60
321FMPastar Slaven2376BIH6,5s 040-9,20
4148Cedzo Adam1886SVK3,5w 1406,80
536FMBochnicka Vladimir2300SVK6s 040-12,80
6113Mohylnyi Stepan2053UKR2,5w 14014,00
731FMSchernthaner David2320AUT5,5s 040-11,60
8156Stichter Constantin Paul1819GER5w 040-35,20
9118Tumur-Ochir Duluu2038MGL3,5w 14013,20
Caruso Augusto 2140 ITA Rp:2173 Pts. 5
12GMGupta Abhijeet2606IND8s 020-1,60
2134Reisenhofer Maximilian1990AUT3w 1206,00
34GMLodici Lorenzo2511ITA2,5s 020-2,00
4123Panjer Sidney2016GER3,5w ½20-3,40
5125Teuschler Hugo MMag.2009AUT4s 1206,40
638FMLuberanski Jakub2297POL3w ½204,20
7156Stichter Constantin Paul1819GER5s ½20-7,40
8168Grzadka Artur1619POL4,5w 1201,60
934FMSandhöfner Florian2305AUT5s ½204,40
Cassi Elisa 2054 ITA Rp:2128 Pts. 4
129FMKucza Karol2342POL5,5s 040-6,40
2165Szarvas Nora1682HUN2,5w 1404,00
350FMBalint Peter2245AUT4s 14030,00
444FMNeuschmied Siegfried2265AUT4w 040-9,20
559IMKantorik Marian2210SVK3s ½408,40
662Burrer Fabian2197AUT5w 14027,60
754Schimnatkowski Lukas2220GER6s 040-11,20
872Vaupot Luka2183SLO4w ½406,80
963FMBubalovic Davorin2196CRO5s 040-12,40
La Barbera Manfredi 2035 ITA Rp:1785 Pts. 1,5
135FMSowinski Pawel2305POL5,5w 040-6,80
2171Kuzinas Adomas0AUT2,5s 1
365Jurakic Lukas2196CRO5w 040-11,60
475Boehme Sebastian2179GER4s 040-12,40
5153Pellicoro Nathalie1853SUI3w ½40-9,60
6150Scherler Julius1871SUI4s 040-28,80
7152Siekanska Zuzanna1858POL3,5- 0K
8169Lammer Michael1499AUT2,5- 0K
9-not paired- --- 0
Vincenti Leonardo 1889 ITA Rp:1972 Pts. 3,5
160MKJetzl Joerg2203AUT1s 14034,40
246WIMGueci Tea2265ITA4w ½4016,40
348CMHasanagic Alim2259SLO4,5s 040-4,00
4101Dimitriadis Michael2096AUT4w 040-9,20
5109Majoros Rozsa2059HUN4,5s ½408,80
686Tulchynskyi Feliks2139UKR5,5w 040-7,60
7114Jankowiak Piotr2049POL3,5s 040-11,60
8165Szarvas Nora1682HUN2,5w ½40-10,80
9163Alsemail Mohammed Fahad M1714KSA2,5s 14010,80
Fiolo Costanza 1753 ITA Rp:1625 Pts. 0,5
174Pavic Jakov2180CRO3,5s 020-1,60
2105Kienböck Benjamin2080AUT4,5w ½207,40
3101Dimitriadis Michael2096AUT4s 020-2,40
4109Majoros Rozsa2059HUN4,5w 020-2,80
5149Alzamil Abdulaziz1877KSA3,5w 020-6,60
6164Park Seonjae1709KOR2,5- 0K
7151Kiraly Lilla Virag1861HUN3,5s 020-7,00
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
Petrosino Germano 1655 ITA Rp:1523 Pts. 4,5
18Balaz Frantisek1910CZE7w 020-3,80
291Klyus Ivan1149POL3,5s 020-18,40
370Wallner Erika1524AUT3,5w ½20-3,60
472Pavic Andrija1503CRO4,5s 1206,00
582Grünwald Beat1398AUT4w ½20-6,40
614Ostermann Anton Ing.1876AUT3w 020-4,40
792Loukopoulos Stefanos1130GRE3s 1201,60
830Neubauer Anton1788AUT3,5s ½203,60
979Zdybel Tomasz1427POL3,5w 1204,20
Bilyk Nikolay 1405 ITA Rp:1640 Pts. 4,5
134Kahr Martin1778AUT5s ½4016,00
221Holzhey Wolfgang1833AUT4w 040-3,20
347Kabylbek Yedil1702KAZ6s 040-6,00
465Gozdzikowski Franciszek1564POL3,5w ½408,40
561Orlov Konstantin1618AUT6s 040-9,20
658Aumann Manfred Dr.1633AUT1,5s ½4011,60
733Hadl Johann DI.1779AUT3,5w 14036,00
866Kasa Barnabas1559HUN3w 14028,40
957Walch Fabian1645AUT3,5- 1K
Kofler Albin 1455 ITA Rp:1511 Pts. 5,5
134Schmidbauer Felix0AUT0,5w 1
224Ragchaasuren Börte1322AUT6,5s 020-13,60
328Eitner Mario0AUT4w 1
443Eberl Alessio0AUT4s 1
548Tropper Martin0AUT7,5w 0
627Schernthaner Tim0AUT5s 1
73Goelles Walter1670AUT6s ½205,60
810Stenitzer Wilibald0AUT6,5w 0
932Stögerer Jonathan1048AUT4,5s 1201,60
Mazzi Leonardo 1814 ITA Rp:1718 Pts. 3
133Königshofer Stefan0AUT1,5s 1
21IMSchnider Gert2385AUT4,5w 040-3,20
323Amritzer Martina1554AUT2s 1407,20
425Maier Tobias1471AUT4w 040-35,20
521Redl Heribert1600AUT2s 1409,20