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International Graz Open 2023 A

Last update 07.03.2023 21:11:44, Creator: Manfred Mussnig,Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband (Eloreferent)

Player overview for BIH

20IMJakovljevic Vlado2388BIH11½½10½½0550232510-5,30Grp A
21FMPastar Slaven2376BIH1½11½011½6,5724772025,00Grp A
53FMBabic Drasko2220BIH01½0110003,5130194020-52,20Grp A
128Mujacic Haris2005BIH00101½0½½3,5133192420-15,60Grp A
5FMPastar Slaven2292BIH½½101011001631197020-73,20Blitz
8IMJakovljevic Vlado2255BIH111½00011106,523210710-15,60Blitz
14FMBabic Drasko2194BIH11101001101713213820-10,40Blitz
19Koso Ekrem2177BIH11½101011107,5622792036,60Blitz
24Suta Adil2073BIH0½½10011010554175920-77,40Blitz
32Mujacic Haris1951BIH1010½0101015,548176620-40,40Blitz
41Zekic Sead1898BIH11000110011636191120-10,40Blitz

Results of the last round for BIH

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
FMPastar Slaven23766 ½ - ½6 IMHacker Jonas2444
Wendl PhilippU1820553 ½ - ½3 Mujacic Haris2005
IMJakovljevic Vlado23885 0 not paired  
FMBabic Drasko2220 0 not paired  
Koso Ekrem2177 0 - 19 FMAshwath R.2240
FMKurmangaliyeva LiyaU182193 1 - 0 IMJakovljevic Vlado2255
FMPerhinig Robert Mag.21536 0 - 16 FMBabic DraskoS602194
FMPastar Slaven22925 1 - 05 Abrin Milad1818
Suta Adil20735 0 - 15 Radzimski AntoniU181835
Zekic Sead18985 1 - 05 Buchhas JohannS601720
Pakina VarvaraU181578 0 - 1 Mujacic Haris1951

Player details for BIH

IM Jakovljevic Vlado 2388 BIH Rp:2325 Pts. 5
1103Katter Katharina2089AUT2,5s 1101,50
274Pavic Jakov2180CRO3,5w 1102,30
347FMLavrencic Matic2260SLO5,5s ½10-1,70
448CMHasanagic Alim2259SLO4,5w ½10-1,70
5133Niharika Challa1993IND4,5s 1100,80
62GMGupta Abhijeet2606IND8w 010-2,20
752Paprocki Antoni2230POL5,5s ½10-2,10
854Schimnatkowski Lukas2220GER6w ½10-2,20
9-not paired- --- 0
FM Pastar Slaven 2376 BIH Rp:2477 Pts. 6,5
1104Javornik Nik2080SLO4w 1203,00
273Tancsa Tamás2181HUN4,5s ½20-5,00
379Perossa Nicolas2163ITA4,5w 1204,60
449FMKueppers Timo2252GER5,5s 1206,60
51GMSocko Bartosz2624POL6w ½206,20
67GMBlohberger Felix2488AUT7s 020-7,00
748CMHasanagic Alim2259SLO4,5w 1206,80
835FMSowinski Pawel2305POL5,5s 1208,00
913IMHacker Jonas2444GER6,5w ½201,80
FM Babic Drasko 2220 BIH Rp:1940 Pts. 3,5
1140CMTulendinov Dinmukhammed1948KAZ4s 020-16,60
2121Kuru Atilla2027TUR5w 1205,00
3115Mooser Nicolas2048GER4s ½20-4,60
4113Mohylnyi Stepan2053UKR2,5w 020-14,40
5123Panjer Sidney2016GER3,5- 1K
6101Dimitriadis Michael2096AUT4w 1206,60
7136CMHarish Neeraj1981USA4,5s 020-16,00
886Tulchynskyi Feliks2139UKR5,5w 020-12,20
9-not paired- --- 0
Mujacic Haris 2005 BIH Rp:1924 Pts. 3,5
143FMKurmangaliyeva Liya2267KAZ4,5w 020-3,60
269Delgerdalai Bayarjavkhlan2189CZE6s 020-5,20
3169Lammer Michael1499AUT2,5w 1201,60
490FMWegerer Fred Ing.2128AUT4,5s 020-6,60
5158Katter Marlene1811AUT2w 1205,00
692FMKostov Deyan Samuil2124BUL4,5s ½203,20
796Kostelny Jozef2103SVK4,5w 020-7,40
8152Siekanska Zuzanna1858POL3,5s ½20-4,00
9111Wendl Philipp2055AUT3,5s ½201,40
FM Pastar Slaven 2292 BIH Rp:1970 Pts. 6
147Radzimski Antoni1835POL6w ½20-8,40
224Suta Adil2073BIH5s ½20-5,60
345Prem Dominik1853AUT5w 1201,60
430Zdybel Przemyslaw1992POL7,5s 020-17,00
542Wimmer Kevin1894AUT5,5w 1201,60
636Hofstadler Mario1927AUT5,5s 020-18,00
743Sohn Benedikt1892AUT6w 1201,60
835Gölles Herbert1947AUT6s 1202,20
912FMBalint Peter2207AUT7w 020-12,40
1046Vaupot Luka1839SLO6s 020-18,40
1149Abrin Milad1818AUT5w 1201,60
IM Jakovljevic Vlado 2255 BIH Rp:2107 Pts. 6,5
150Wimmer Michael1810AUT4,5s 1100,80
229Raeke Philipp1997AUT5,5w 1101,80
322FMSowinski Pawel2153POL7s 1103,60
418Skuhala Luka2179SLO7w ½10-1,00
53FMPeyrer Konstantin2373AUT8,5s 010-3,40
619Koso Ekrem2177BIH7,5w 010-6,10
756Huber Benedikt1738GER4,5s 010-9,20
828Grausgruber Rene2010AUT5,5w 1102,00
939Zaytsev Alexander1907AUT5,5s 1101,10
1036Hofstadler Mario1927AUT5,5w 1101,30
1115FMKurmangaliyeva Liya2193KAZ7,5s 010-5,90
FM Babic Drasko 2194 BIH Rp:2138 Pts. 7
156Huber Benedikt1738GER4,5s 1201,60
235Gölles Herbert1947AUT6w 1203,80
333Grünwald Simon1948AUT5,5s 1203,80
44GMDiermair Andreas2325AUT7s 020-6,40
530Zdybel Przemyslaw1992POL7,5w 1204,80
63FMPeyrer Konstantin2373AUT8,5w 020-5,40
738Javornik Nik1911SLO6,5s 020-16,80
841Zekic Sead1898BIH6w 1203,00
931Schwarz Christian1956AUT7s 1204,00
1022FMSowinski Pawel2153POL7w 020-11,20
1121FMPerhinig Robert Mag.2153AUT6s 1208,80
Koso Ekrem 2177 BIH Rp:2279 Pts. 7,5
160Käfer Calvin1651AUT4,5w 1201,60
240Ramesh Kukku1901IND4,5s 1203,40
32GMBlohberger Felix2437AUT8,5w ½206,40
47FMMostbauer Florian2263AUT7,5w 12012,40
518Skuhala Luka2179SLO7s 020-10,00
68IMJakovljevic Vlado2255BIH6,5s 12012,20
74GMDiermair Andreas2325AUT7w 020-6,00
836Hofstadler Mario1927AUT5,5s 1203,80
915FMKurmangaliyeva Liya2193KAZ7,5w 12010,40
1010FMSandhöfner Florian2235AUT7s 12011,60
119FMAshwath R.2240IND10w 020-8,20
Suta Adil 2073 BIH Rp:1759 Pts. 5
165Schlick Horst1611AUT4,5s 020-18,40
25FMPastar Slaven2292BIH6w ½205,60
354Pudmich Guenter Dr.1761AUT6s ½20-7,20
459Puregger Patrick1677AUT4w 1201,60
548FMFishchuk Vladyslav1828UKR7s 020-16,00
655Kiraly Lilla Virag1743HUN5w 020-17,60
751Bachler Wilhelm Ing.1792AUT5,5w 1203,20
853Wilfling Sandra DI1781AUT4s 1203,00
946Vaupot Luka1839SLO6w 020-15,80
1066Kleinschuster Horst1584AUT4s 1201,60
1147Radzimski Antoni1835POL6w 020-16,00
Mujacic Haris 1951 BIH Rp:1766 Pts. 5,5
173Gruenwald Beat1344AUT4s 1201,60
211CMHulka Valentyn2234UKR5,5w 020-3,20
363Schick Rafael1617AUT5s 1202,40
415FMKurmangaliyeva Liya2193KAZ7,5w 020-4,00
556Huber Benedikt1738GER4,5s ½20-5,40
669Tantscher Christoph1519AUT5,5w 020-18,40
765Schlick Horst1611AUT4,5s 1202,40
823Spirk Stefan Dr.2092AUT6,5w 020-6,20
952Balaz Frantisek1790CZE5,5s 1205,80
1058Dilly Julian1711AUT5,5w 020-16,00
1167Pakina Varvara1578UKR4,5s 1202,00
Zekic Sead 1898 BIH Rp:1911 Pts. 6
182Gottlieb Mark0AUT3,5w 1
220FMFahrner Kurt2164AUT5,5s 12016,40
318Skuhala Luka2179SLO7w 020-3,20
426WFMSkuhala Barbara2063SLO6,5s 020-5,60
568Bienko Jagoda1576POL4w 020-17,40
660Käfer Calvin1651AUT4,5s 1203,80
753Wilfling Sandra DI1781AUT4w 1206,80
814FMBabic Drasko2194BIH7s 020-3,00
955Kiraly Lilla Virag1743HUN5w 020-14,20
1072Reichl Christian1354AUT4s 1201,60
1157Buchhas Johann1720AUT5w 1205,40