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Posledná aktualizácia 12.11.2022 19:13:04, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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Štartová listina

1AFMNtamatungiro Wilfried20300166BDI1720
2Cibutso Fleury20300336BDI1410
3Mugisha Noella20300468BDI1232
4Ingabire Couronne De Gloire20300611BDI1098
5Arakaza Yan VaneckBDI0
6Cubahiro Gilles HonorisBDI0
7Destefanis MartinoBDI0
8Destefanis StefanoBDI0
9Hacimana CédricBDI0
10Heam HuguesBDI0
11Ingabire Alain -Michel20300395BDI0
12Iradukunda Jospin20300573BDI0
13Irankuriza RaoulBDI0
14Iringabo Jean LinnéBDI0
15Kwitonda Felix20300590BDI0
16Mancini FrancescoBDI0
17Mauroy BrunoBDI0
18Mugabe AbdallahBDI0