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9th Witney Weekend Congress: Under 1600

Darrera actualització06.11.2022 18:31:15, Creador/Darrera càrrega: mattcarr2700

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Rànquing inicial

1Bisogno Vincenzo289676ITA1596
2Gilbert David J123333ENG1575
3English Andrew Jp272920ENG1563
4Cotterell David M194407ENG1561
5Madden Jason D188252ENG1537
6Steventon Christopher343447ENG1536
7Catabay Rezin C308587ENG1525
8Mcleod Mark179048ENG1520
9Woodbridge Kevin273453ENG1520
10Sartain Patrick P118502ENG1519
11Cluley Graham290326ENG1507
12Freshwater Keith231805ENG1526
13Weale Tom282624ENG1500
14Chivers Aiden276464ENG1499
15Buxton Richard282455ENG1474
16Swann Ollie347016ENG1451
17Hughes Peter J270857ENG1447
18Matilal Tamal K115080ENG1425
19Goldsmith Jennifer111361ENG1418
20Mahmood Aqeeb320625ENG1398
21Lakshay Prabhu320407ENG1396
22Rosli Rushdi294443ENG1323
23Bleeg Elliott322598ENG1280
24Wright Benjamin350120ENG1266
25Luke John276661ENG1236
26Cordon Ray108892ENG1228
27Gubinelli David0FRA0
28Lakshmeesh Tvisha317184ENG0
29Miller Craig350727ENG0
30Yi Louis345402ENG0