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9th Witney Weekend Congress: Under 2000

Last update 06.11.2022 17:57:45, Creator/Last Upload: mattcarr2700

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Starting rank

1George Richard M111155446254ENG1947
2Ashcroft Graham J152545438090ENG1943
3Obi Okwose Marc300759450774ENG1932
4Bush Ian284375447218ENG1916
5Headlong Georgia289789461253ENG1915
6Abbott Mark V129415419664ENG1897
7Lappin Benjamin340329343413404ENG1871
8Holmes Matthew A192683495514ENG1831
9Foster Cyril259390464201ENG1803
10Dooley Max265312450871ENG1799
11Timbrell Matthew302188474193ENG1799
12Wilden Rob E121637343405371ENG1737
13Mcgrath Williams Joseph323843SCO1483