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9th Witney Weekend Congress: Open

Last update 06.11.2022 18:24:00, Creator/Last Upload: mattcarr2700

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Starting rank list

1FMHan Yichen3064421054430NED2439
2Ogunshola Olugbemiga (Ben)1504628500231NGR2243
3Hobson Kenneth315368480819ENG2184
4Southcott-Moyers Indy317139488542ENG2147
5James Russell A113524407070ENG2144
6Handley Michael R112021450740ENG2051
7De Coverly Roger D109494405213ENG2048
8Hayward Philip T27962320672870ENG2044
9Moyse Nigel J247723802514WLS2029
10Zakarian Dimitrios Levon295925453080ENG2015
11Gardiner Eric D230802435880ENG2013
12Turner Lewis A232919412600ENG2002
13Sieczkowski Adam32740321835250POL1977
14Turner Joseph D1396201801520WLS1967
15AFMMiller George I220716343114090ENG1896
16Small Edward P292279446653ENG1879
17Gordon Sean340020498793ENG1869
18Robertson Struan254071499870ENG1769
19Moss Thomas D276043443514ENG1654
20Isaacs Ruairi313384478512ENG1566