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Baybridge Junior Chess Championship U16&12

Վերջին արդիացում06.11.2022 14:44:05, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Adi ChouhanTANU16
2Ayan PanjwaniTANU12
3Delbert I PanyaTANU16
4Dylan PatelTANU12
5Hammetreya JamdaTANU16
6Ishaan MorapundiTANu12
7Ivan NjengaTANU16
8Kahil WalliTANU12
9Kartikey GoelTANU16
10Mahi ChouhanTANwU12
11Mahi ShahTANwU16
12Maryam PanyaTANwU12
13Micheal HenryTANU16
14Panav BangurTANU12
16Salome PeterTANwU16
17Viva PujariTANwU12
18Zac OkumuTANU12
19Zahra TakimTANwU12