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West Coast Open 2022 rating 800max

Last update 08.11.2022 08:42:50, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Ellman Elle-MarieRSA773
2Louw GranvilleRSA773
3Lott LucreciaRSA757
4Lewaks AndreaRSA754
5Diergaardt MaczaynRSA699
6Joseph JiolaRSA696
7Ruiters ThomlinRSA689
8Ellman AndriesRSA680
9Van Wyk FaithRSA679
10Jacobs CaywinRSA674
11Swartz AshanRSA624
12Don MikaylaRSA615
13Syster MacneilRSA612
14Sithole DylanRSA577
15Sikhondo NevileneRSA540
16Skippers GeranoRSA513
17Baartman JasonRSA500
18Coetzee BucheRSA500
19de Bruin Lee CyleRSA500
20Eksteen ThemoRSA500
21Farmer LashwinRSA500
22Felix EveleenRSA500
23Felix LeonayRSA500
24Franse NevaneRSA500
25Gulwa LukhanyoRSA500
26Hengson Peter JohnRSA500
27Heynse EthanRSA500
28Jagens ElijahRSA500
29Japies BraydonRSA500
30Jooste ShaqeelRSA500
31Jooste ZoeRSA500
32Julies WillowRSA500
33Koordom AidenRSA500
34Kotze Maxlin LeeRSA500
35Kruger Jamie LeighRSA500
36Luckhoff Jessie ThulanieRSA500
37Magubane AkuaRSA500
38Matthews KayleeRSA500
39Matwa CatherineRSA500
40Mckay CalebRSA500
41Mckay MatthewRSA500
42Milford MillicentRSA500
43Mitchels Chloe LeighRSA500
44Mphapang ChelseaRSA500
45Niemand RomarioRSA500
46Ntsinga IvanaRSA500
47Owies JowanRSA500
48Paulse TamalaRSA500
49Phillips TroyRSA500
50Seas Ava-GeeRSA500
51September G-NaroRSA500
52Sifiriza LuthandoRSA500
53Soshola DiegoRSA500
54Swarts FaqirRSA500
55Tieties NicolaRSA500
56Titus GarnetRSA500
57Williams AuthemRSA500
58Williams JaydenRSA500
59De Jager HenreRSA494
60Swartz UmareeRSA454
61Owies TiffanyRSA451
62Samuels GeorgiaRSA439
63Steyn SamanthaRSA428
64Mckenzie MatthewRSA500