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Torneio STD FIDE CBX da AJE XIII de Agosto - 2022 Jundiaí/SP

Last update 27.11.2022 20:38:31, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1NMLEONARDO De Miranda Rodrigues81282108658BRA21302187SP
2FRANCISCO Ferrari Pironti6360422782311BRA18581981SP
3PAULO Donizete Leal255792101947BRA18501886SP
4ERICK Alexandre Moreira Ramos341322145120BRA18181938MG
5ALAN De Souza Videira5188722727752BRA17541883SP
6NMBRUNO Fernandes Mangini412762166453BRA17501963SP
7ARNALDO Ulisses Reis397402154676BRA16861823SP
8SHO Moritani6767830983967BRA16481884SP
9CAETANO Albertini220822167450BRA16191847SP
10NMMIGUEL Said Brasil Lora6626022785710BRA14031795SP
11NMHENRIQUE Rocha Muniz6126022777857BRA13431814SP
12VICENTE Pironti6373822794603BRA11691666SP
13YURI Adorno De Camargo6789044711662BRA01800SP
14ROBERTO Bosniac6787422797971BRA01780SP