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Rio Preto 160 Anos

Last update 27.03.2012 22:40:14, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Paulista de Xadrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1GMMareco Sandro112275ARG25790
2GMEl Debs Felipe De Cresce2106981BRA25070
3IMMolina Roberto Junio Brito2109450BRA24070
4IMCrosa Coll Martin3000524URU23500
5Oliveira Silvio Eduardo2111560BRA23370
6FMEgoroff Jomar2100843BRA23170
7IMBlit Jacques114839ARG22820
8FMAranha Filho Alvaro Z2103931BRA22780
9FMAbdalla Luiz Guilherme Aurelli2111080BRA22770
10Quintiliano Pinto Renato R2117568BRA22700
11Gattass Allan2111497BRA22580
12FMMartins Carlos2101688BRA22500
13Supi Luis Paulo2106388BRA22180
14FMBorges Leomar Barbero2102439BRA22040
15Name Gabriel Ricardo Salim2101130BRA21750
16FMDe Souza Haro Paulo Cezar2102188BRA21670
17CMProudian Armen2130734BRA21310
18Yano William Jorge Froes2112949BRA21240
19Rodrigues Tiago Pereira2101203BRA21210
20Utiyama Marcel Heimar Ribeiro2115719BRA21200
21Goncalves Ivan Mesquita V2114224BRA20980
22Oliveira Fernando Henrique2132117BRA20920
23Goncalves Jorge Roberto2110539BRA20700
24Sztokbant Bernardo Vainzoff2115956BRA20590
25Brandao Renan Alves2115905BRA20570
26FMDias Simao Poscidonio2103648BRA20550
27Caetano Hugo Zanotti Mendonca2119420BRA20460
28Rezende Guilherme Vilela2128217BRA20390
29Rodrigues nei Jorge2116430BRA20100
30Sousa Jr Jose Antonio Madalena2119218BRA20060
31Goncalves Andre Luiz Sampaio2134152BRA19790
32Branchini fernando Luis Sakamo2103443BRA19660
33Parras Lucas CesarBRA19660
34Cabral Denrick2116715BRA19290
35Rogani Bruno2102358BRA18940
36Araujo renan Aparecido2135191BRA18860
37Calixto Roberto Carlos2117860BRA18830
38Serafim Junior Arnor2130750BRA18650
39Camargo Peter Jackson Miller2112906BRA18380
40Juliani Sidnei2119722BRA18350
41De Carvalho igor Lorenzon2135230BRA18310
42Muraro Ferreira PauloBRA18270
43Ferreira Jonas De Vargas2116740BRA18210
44Braga Marcelo Melem2113023BRA17290
45Brito Paulo Roberto Ferrreira2107198BRA16920
46Pasqua Mauricio Coragem2120330BRA16760
47Berti Neto Paulo Vicente2105411BRA16710
48Vilas Boas Crisolon Terto2119315BRA16200
49Fernandes Luiz2105900BRA15420
50Landin Mateus Moreno2131986BRA01915
51Custodio Leandro2126990BRA01847
52Santos Rogerio de Souza2112922BRA01835
53Lorenzon De Carvalho tales P2140888BRA01830
54Arpon Rodrigo Tobias Yana2128519BRA01825
55Rainho Caio Gisse2136660BRA01816
56Tanji Lucas Tsuyoshi2149672BRA01803
57Angeli Galvani Jose Henrique2105276BRA01790
58Ogashawara GabrielBRA01790
59Therezo Gustavo BuenoBRA01790
60Cabral AnthonyBRA01738
61Antunes Marcos PauloBRA00
62Esteves MatheusBRA00
63Ferreira Fabio DominguesBRA00
64Monteiro LeandroBRA00
65Navarro Marcos SalesBRA00
66Rocha Lara BrenoBRA00
67Rocha Lara Junior JeffersonBRA00
68Sakran Felipe FawziBRA00
69Siqueira Vicente CristianoBRA00