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Sri Lanka Women's National Chess Championship '12

Last update 01.04.2012 09:59:55, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

Starting rank list of players

14WIMRanasinghe S DSRI1914Musaeus College, colombo
1WFMPremanath DinushkiSRI1882Girls High School, Kandy
6Basnayake I USRI1799Girls High School, Kandy
4Methmali YSRI1798University of Sri Jayawardanapura
8WFMSenanayake P RSRI1789University of Moratuwa
2Jayathilake MihiraniSRI1698Shakthi Chess Institute
9Perera PanchaliSRI1685Musaeus College, colombo
7Chandrasiri S A KSRI1669Girls High School, Kandy
3Kahanda I D SSRI1632Southlands College, Galle
12Chankamie M K TSRI1629Southlands College, Galle
13Sumithrarachchi SayuriSRI1575University of Moratuwa
10Gunaratne Manisha SuchiniSRI1567Sirimavo Bandaranayaka College
5De Silva ShelaniSRI1559Holy Family Convent, Kalutara
11Nawaratne MalithiSRI1558Girls High School, Kandy