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National Championship 2022 Female

Seinast dagført13.11.2022 17:12:52, Creator/Last Upload: faavellan

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

1WCMJacobs Annelaine15900177ARU1606
10Moreno Mora Milaydes Lourdes3910512ARU1569
3Sagastegui Thamara15900770ARU1381
2Cielo Lesley15900932ARU1243
5Cabral Sylvi15900924ARU1121
8Aponte Samantha15901106ARU1092
7Krosendijk Denise Melany15901459ARU0
6Lockhart Brooke15901254ARU0
9Loyo Morillo Haycarin Graciela15901432ARU0
4Timmermans Joanne Aisha15901467ARU0