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National Championship 2022 Female

Last update 13.11.2022 17:12:52, Creator/Last Upload: faavellan

Starting rank list of players

1WCMJacobs Annelaine15900177ARU1606
10Moreno Mora Milaydes Lourdes3910512ARU1569
3Sagastegui Thamara15900770ARU1381
2Cielo Lesley15900932ARU1243
5Cabral Sylvi15900924ARU1121
8Aponte Samantha15901106ARU1092
7Krosendijk Denise Melany15901459ARU0
6Lockhart Brooke15901254ARU0
9Loyo Morillo Haycarin Graciela15901432ARU0
4Timmermans Joanne Aisha15901467ARU0