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Campeonato Paulista Veteranos Absoluto 2022

Last update 30.10.2022 16:45:36, Creator/Last Upload: Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

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Starting rank list

1IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C.2100053BRA2265S65
2Rosa Jose Antonio2105780BRA2002S65
3NMVan Riemsdijk Dirk D.2100487BRA1889S65
4Triebe De Mello Otto Carlos2105209BRA1711S65
5Oliveira Francisco Evandro S.2185784BRA1473S65
6Santana Expedito2103834BRA1421S65
7Ferreira Wagner Maria Gangini22707069BRA1157S65
8Bueno Fernando Eduardo44709471BRA0S65