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Arab Individual Chess Championship U18 Girls

Last update 26.10.2022 14:23:08, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

5Ola Bilal07606559SYR1686
6Widad Sabah Noori04809530IRQ1645
7Bofroud Naya07611293SYR1596
1Nihad Sabah Noori04809394IRQ1481
9Wakkaf Mais.07611307SYR1462
2Hamouri Taqwa011506792PLE1379
4Leen Razouk07605064SYR1366
3Ismail Sham.07610211SYR1321
8Aldakkak Youmna.07611137SYR0
10Nassif Mariel05311403LBN0