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Arab Individual Chess Championship U14 Girls

Seinast dagført26.10.2022 12:49:10, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

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1Malak Mahdi Attiyah4809343IRQ1178
2Rataj Saad Mohsin4809432IRQ1163
3Noorulzahra Dhafer Abdulameer4812239IRQ1045
4Abou Taam Fatima5315271LBN0
5Alhabib Sedra.7609566SYR0
6Hassan SaraSYR0
7Issa MaramSYR0
8Qobiali Massah.7611196SYR0
9Ramadan Layan11512261PLE0
10Salama semaSYR0
11Wakkaf JanaSYR0
12Wassouf AnaSYR0
13Zahira SarahSYR0