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Arab Individual Chess Championship (6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20)

Last update 26.10.2022 14:15:50, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

3IMAhmed Jaza Jamal04808509IRQ2161
4FMRabeea Sabah Nori04806212IRQ2109
8FMMoazaz Dhahir Habeeb04807421IRQ2094
1Kaloust Giorgio05303699LBN1990
2Abed Elwahab Masoud011513780PLE1896
6Farhat Jawad05303788LBN1761
5Waqaf Ali.07610092SYR1639
10Radwan Mahmoud J011513110PLE1575
9Abudalkareem Reda0SYR0
7Adnan Alhaj.07608713SYR0