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Maria Albulet Memorial 2022

Last update 04.11.2022 13:51:14, Creator/Last Upload: dombi rudolf

Starting rank list of players

2WGMDoluhanova Evgeniya14112035UKR2264
8WIMKubicka Anna1152254POL2262
9WIMSieber Fiona12902373GER2256
7WIMSliwicka Alicja1150677POL2254
3WGMCosma Elena-Luminita1201590ROU2243
5WIMGaboyan Susanna13303627ARM2225
10WIMToncheva Nadya2924056BUL2201
6WGMMakropoulou Marina4200187GRE2153
1WIMLehaci Miruna-Daria1234765ROU2127
4WFMCiolacu Alessia-Mihaela1252640ROU2064